This is a possessive paradigm for the dependent inanimate noun ookóówa ‘home, house’, as produced by Beverly Little Bear Hungry Wolf. For an alternate form, see Frantz (2017, pp. 81-82). If you hover over a Blackfoot word, a pronunciation guide will be available. Pronunciation guides and audio files are provided by Beverly Little Bear Hungry Wolf (audio files recorded in Jul 2017).

This the paradigm for the singular possessed object, i.e. ‘house’:

Possessive paradigm for ‘house’
  Blackfoot word English Person
Sound nookóówani ‘My house’ 1SG
Sound kookóówani ‘Your (singular) house’ 2SG
Sound ookóówani ‘His/her house’ 3SG
Sound nookóónnaani ‘Our (not including you) house’ 1PL
Sound kookóónnooni ‘Our (including you) house’ 21
Sound kookóówaawayi ‘Your (plural) house’ 2PL
Sound ookóówaawayaa(wa) ‘Their house’ 3PL

This is the paradigm for the plural possessed object, i.e. ‘houses’:

SoundPlay the entire paradigm for the plural possessed object, i.e. ‘houses’

Possessive paradigm for ‘houses’
  Blackfoot word English Person
Sound nookóówaistsi ‘My houses’ 1SG
Sound kookóówaawaistsi ‘Your (singular) houses’ 2SG
Sound ookóówaawaistsi ‘His or her houses’ 3SG
Sound nookóónnaanistsi ‘Our (not including you) houses’ 1PL
Sound kookóónnoonistsi ‘Our (including you) houses’ 21
Sound kookóówaawaistsi ‘Your (plural) houses’ 2PL
Sound ookóówaawaistsi ‘Their houses’ 3PL


  • Frantz, D. G. (2017). Blackfoot Grammar (3rd ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.